Transparency on where your hard earned money goes

Have you ever wondered where your money goes when you donate, or even wondered if it actually gets there? There has never been any real transparency in this process.

At StopGiver, we would argue that this is not only bad for the donor but also bad for the charity receiving the money.

Most charitable giving is a one time, one way, limited feedback process.

You give, they say thanks and it’s game over. How would you feel if you not only knew your money had arrived but were told how much went to the cause you supported and even who or what it helped?

A £10 donation that you know went directly to buy Ellie’s wheelchair is much more likely to create a bond and a relationship between the giver and the charity than a faceless “thank you”.

Among numerous other unique elements, StopGiver is designed to help charities move towards a more open relationship with our unique ‘transparency level’ indicator. This encourages charities over time to become more transparent.

  • Level 1 is the entry level on the platform and this means your donations are sent to the charity.

  • Level 2 denotes that the charity joins StopGiver and can have access to their own page on the site where they can post relevant details on their operations and causes.

  • Level 3 is agreeing to be transparent on donations through the platform they can access their content directly and receive details on the donors so they can provide feedback to them personally.

In this way StopGiver encourages people to support charities that are open to providing information back to the donor and on being more open on how much gets to the end recipient.

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