Make a real social point and drive change

StopGiver is so much more than a platform for giving. One of its initial ambitions was to provide a link between social comment and charitable donations.

It is fine to make a social point but it is so much more beneficial when you actually do something about it.

An example could be that you want to highlight how unhappy you are that your favourite coffee company are making large sales but repatriating profits to their home country without paying their fair share of taxes. By setting up a cause and promoting it you could not only raise this issue, share it with your friends but by forgoing their coffee and donating the money to a charity instead you could show that company the strength of feeling and they could actually see their lost sales! In addition, those who join will all be contributing to a just charitable cause.

In the world today we need a way to get our voices heard in a way that companies understand – social comment AND a hit to their sales.

Imagine how we can comment on climate change, sugar and salt in food and throwaway plastic. We are only limited by our imagination and when all companies make ethical decisions for the benefit of us and our planet

StopGiver – Conscious Social Responsibility


What is a Cause?


Transparency on where your hard earned money goes