Your own personal dashboard

StopGiver has created a personal dashboard to track your donations and how others have supported your causes including any gift aid and corporate sponsorship.


01 — Create a cause

Get involved in many ways. Here are just a few examples:

- Create a cause around something you are passionate about

- Support a cause by a donation and a ‘like’

- Get businesses on board to sponsor your cause


02 — See your impact

StopGiver’s personal dashboard shows your contributions and the impact of your causes. It also enables you to make regular contributions so that you can meet your personal charitable goals.

We focus on 3 levels to show these effects:

Your personal level

See what causes you are supporting and have created. The ‘effects’ tab will show your own personal dashboard of giving.

Platform level

See all the causes and search for those that may interest you. On this level the ‘effects’ tab contains the platform ‘effect’ so we can see the totals raised by everyone.

Cause level

See the details and breakdown of an individual cause and how it is progressing on the ‘effects’ tab.


03 — Choosing where StopGiver sends the funds

StopGiver will send donations to the charity linked to the cause or you can opt for it to go to the StopGiver House Fund. A Cause can be very personal to the individual and more important to them than the recipient body, so they trust StopGiver to find deserving, transparent charities to distribute to. These are what’s known as the House Charities.

Chosen based on their mission, transparency and the current climate, you can trust that these entities are fully vetted by the StopGiver team and worthy of your support.

One of our current house charities is Friends of Shelby Newstead, who have helped the families of very ill children for over the 25 years without a single penny of administration costs.

We are proud to highlight charities that deserve recognition and support them in their work and will always try to match the charity to the cause


04 — Encourage transparency

A huge driver for setting up StopGiver was transparency. Do you know where your hard earned money actually goes?

StopGiver encourages Charities to tell you where the money ends up. We set up a transparency index that we hope will encourage more openness and a house fund that only supports fully transparent charities. The index is

Level 1

StopGiver will donate to the charity from funds you commit. The charity is not signed to the platform at present, so funds will be passed on but no interaction is expected 

Level 2

The Charity has signed up to the platform (free of charge) and can update their own narrative, link and thank you content. However, they will not give any breakdown of the amounts received.

Level 3

The Charity has signed up to the platform (free of charge) and in addition to level 2 agrees to update the donors on where the money is applied


One person can make a point but together, we can make change.