Communities and Business Working Together

Since the pandemic, we all know how businesses have tried to convince us that they are in it with us and being socially responsible has become the mantra at the core of most of their marketing efforts.

At StopGiver we want to provide a vehicle for them to prove that they really mean this.

By sponsoring ‘likes’ on causes, businesses are able to contribute directly to supported charities and help pay for the platform, so that any individual’s donations can go directly to the charities with little, or over time, no deductions.

We want to use this to drive local businesses to support local causes and national businesses to support national causes. Why shouldn’t a local business be integral with the community that provides the customer base for its products and services.

A healthy and vibrant community is more likely to support their local businesses so it’s a “win win” scenario AND more importantly it’s the right thing to do.


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How to Set Up a Cause