Get your Cause Sponsored and Donate Through Likes

Having a cause sponsored, means a corporation, business or other will allocate an amount of money to support your cause by sponsoring the ‘likes’. This means that every time someone likes your cause, an amount of money will be donated to your selected cause.

This is how it looks like when you like a cause that is sponsored.

By sponsoring ‘likes’ on causes, businesses are able to contribute directly to supported charities and help pay for the platform, so that any individual’s donations can go directly to the charities with little, or over time, no deductions.

We have created a video that explains more how sponsoring works inside the StopGiver platform.

You can message us anytime if you need more information regarding sponsoring and how it works

Individually, we can make a point but together, we can turn that into a force to drive real change. Head to and start creating causes!


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