Give Differently

See Our Story

We want to reinvent the process of charitable giving and social comment.

Please take a minute to view what we are about


What is StopGiver?

StopGiver was created to help you stop something you are passionate about and to create awareness of that cause for you and others to give towards making change happen.

This can be as simple as highlighting an issue that’s important to you, supporting a charity, raising a petition, or even calling out a company over avoiding paying their fair share of tax.


What do you want to change?

StopGiver calls out real issues and behaviours that concern you.

In a safe environment without fear of trolling or criticism and in the knowledge that you are helping good causes.


Social media has the power to influence our society for the better. Combined with StopGiver we can give your causes a voice and allow supporters to highlight them and donate towards the charities that are working to make things better


Our mission is to make a real difference, together, one cause at a time

Why StopGiver?

We help you create or support a cause and encourage transparency in the process. Over time we ideally want to encourage corporates and companies to sponsor your causes.

Charity Partners and Corporate Sponsors

Friends of Shelby Newstead

Friends of Shelby Newstead



Join us

Join a community of people who want to support causes, drive change and encourage good practise & fair behaviour.


Whether you are:

  • a StopGiver with a question

  • a charity looking to partner with the platform

  • a business looking to sponsor causes

We want to hear from you!